
Showing posts from February, 2020

Re-Post: Starting my Journey

I’m still in a holding pattern over here (blog post to be written soon). While I wait it out, I figured I’d go back and re-post the start of this journey. (disclaimer: I made some edits to the verbiage). It's so interesting to read about how my life has played out so far. A digital journal of sorts (duh). If I'm being transparent here (which I usually am) I have been lamenting the last few days about how things could have been if I hadn't gone through all this. I find myself at times really upset and sad. Yet, there's a part of me that is so grateful to be in this place. Anywho, I digress (as usual). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The beginning of this journey starts October 6, 2015. Fairly long backstory here but have to pick a starting point. Alright, let's get to it. 6.Ocober.2015, 0700,     I have an appointment to discuss recent MRIs with a neurologist.  The doctor

Holding Pattern

While I'm in the holding pattern for a date for stent placement in my left internal iliac vein, my eldest daughter turned FIVE on Sunday, 9 February. Yep. I feel like I'm the parent now who says "where did the time go?!?" But honestly, the days are LONG AF and the years are short! For real. However, my blog post today isn't about the crazy train of staying home full time. I was going to tell Vera's birth story. Another crazy train. My original due date was February 13th, 2015. But as it we reached February, it was looking like I would deliver closer to 7 February. I was hoping for a Valentine's baby 💝. I planned to work until I went into labor. 😐 A decision I look back on like, WHAT?!?! That was crazy! I was in the OR that Monday with (TWO) lead vests/aprons on assisting with total hips and knees (about 6-8 surgeries). I was getting up at 4am to round on hospital patient's then head to see patients in clinic the rest of the we

I'm telling you, something ELSE is going on...

Now that I released the soundtrack to my dark night of the soul, who wants to delve back into what's been happening in my life?! Keeping it interesting over here. 12.Dec.19 I visited my friend Eric at  Arizona Doppler Specialists  to have three month ultrasounds to check in on my jugular veins and left renal vein stents. Great news, my left jugular and renal stents we're still patent. Expected news, my right jugular continues to be completely obstructed with minimal collateral flow. Since Eric knows a lot about CCSVI and he's a very competent ultrasound tech, I asked if he would take a look with the ultrasound at my inferior vena cava and iliac veins to check for anything abnormal. He agreed and sure enough he found some compression of the left internal iliac vein! verified by the vascular surgeon who performs the official report for the ultrasounds. For background: The  internal iliac vein  (hypogastric  vein ) begins near the upper part of the greater scia

Spotify Playlist -The Encore

Now it's really the end... or the encore... isn't that what follows a finale? A good friend of mine had the idea of making a Spotify playlist. Thanks Lisa! So I did.  Honestly, I made it for me but I'm going to post a link to it here.  JIC anyone else would like to listen. IronTina: Rescue Story Disclaimer :    Songs are not at a 180 beat/minute  it's not really intended for  a  work out/running/lifting, etc. It's more of a playlist for a good old fashioned soul search/ugly cry sesh/dark night of the soul.  Or... I guess continual streaming like I do...😆 Last thought. I t's been interesting. I have noticed a significant decline in "blog views" since starting this whole lyric thing. Initially, I was sad. That's the thing about social media, it's a crazy paradox of feeling free to expose places in your heart and at the same time thinking/caring about how many people are looking/reading/judging.  But than