the rescue story-part one
As 2020 begins I have been reflecting on the past year like most. 2019 was a rough one that’s for sure. But not just for me. My family and many friends have suffered too; loss of a loved one, physical pain, miscarriage, infertility, divorce, cancer diagnosis... I have found that a lot of people are suffering in some way. Maybe you. I first have say how grateful I am for those who have reached out to me since I’ve started writing again. THANK YOU. The kind words, thoughts and prayers are more meaningful than I can write words to portray. I’d also like to speak to those who have commended me for my strength, perseverance, etc. I’ve said to some that I’m a master at silently suffering. It’s not that I’m attempting to pretend that everything is great. I just doing know what else to do but to keep going. I've never really been a complainer. I treat life like a race; just keep putting one foot in front of ...