
Showing posts from December, 2019

the rescue story-part one

As 2020 begins I have been reflecting on the past year like most. 2019 was a rough one that’s for sure. But not just for me.  My family and many friends have suffered too; loss of a loved one, physical pain, miscarriage, infertility, divorce, cancer diagnosis...  I   have found that a lot of people are suffering in some way. Maybe you. I first have say how grateful I am for those who have reached out to me since I’ve started writing again. THANK YOU.  The kind words, thoughts and prayers are more meaningful than I can write words to portray. I’d also like to speak to those who have commended me for my strength, perseverance, etc. I’ve said to some that I’m a master at silently suffering.  It’s not that I’m attempting to pretend that everything is great. I just doing know what else to do but to keep going. I've never really been a complainer. I treat life like a race; just keep putting one foot in front of the other. While I ap

out of the silence: part three

Part two  ended recounting my second procedure in Pozań, Poland on Friday 13.September. Most painful IV. EVER.. Entrance to the clinic Paper scrubs. Fancy :-) Warning about the following text: It’s about to get very vulnerable up in here. If  parts one and/or  two elicited tears, well, I warned you. I (found and) re-read  It's all about the blood flow (and Benjamin's) baby!  (post from January 6, 2018) and noticed the following: " To lay it all out there, God met me at the bottom (even though I was SUPER angry and scared), lifted me from my despair to be apart of His plan/purpose for my life." Sounds like I was in a dark place then too...guess it's been awhile down here... Little did I realize at the beginning of 2019 that the hole and darkness was about to get deeper. But notice God met me in that darkness. I'm forever grateful for that. I also wanted to start off by saying that I write this

out of the silence: part two

I skipped ahead in the timeline a bit from  my last post  to save (many) people the agony of my life’s minutia…this is supposed to be a recap!   Summer 2018, a friend of mine added me to a Facebook group about Breast Implant Illness. It was around the time I started opening up about my MS diagnosis. I had a lot on my mind. I disregarded it at first but after a chance interaction with a woman one day in January 2019, I began to dig deeper.   Another long convoluted story... In July 2008, I had a breast augmentation for cosmetic reasons. I remember at one of the visits surrounding my surgery, the plastic surgeon told me that in ten years I would need to have the implants exchanged. Well, by March 2019, I was closing in on 11 years with those toxic bags of silicone fixed under my pectorals (chest muscles for those not as nerdy as myself). Anytime I mentioned random/weird symptoms to a physician wondering if there was a relationship to MS, I was met with the answer

out of the silence: part one

6.Oct.2019 marked four years since my “MS” diagnosis. Today, 3.Dec.2019, marks one year from the initial venoplasty that changed the course of my life. What a ride. I've been reflecting a lot lately. 6.Jan.2019 (my last blog post) I wrote about BIG changes I experienced after a procedure 3.Dec.2018.   I’m sad to admit it’s almost been A YEAR since the last post (and you might NOT be able to read them here anymore because my previous posts have disappeared or at least they do when i attempt to search on my desktop...). I can hear my social media manager saying "That’s not the way to keep anyone’s attention and get followers to your blog!!!" Wait, I don't have a social media manager! But, to make an excuse, I’ve been to HELL, literal HELL on Earth. To use St John of the Cross' term: The Dark Night of the Soul. Medically speaking, it wasn’t hospitalizations or near death experiences, but for me worse. Why? Because on the outside, I al